![]() 11/22/2013 at 02:58 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
It's something that cannot be explained to the uninitiated. Something that cannot be conveyed to anyone else but a fellow aficionado. Why would any sensical person drive a vehicle that seems to be getting gallons per mile, rather than miles per gallon. A car that is so loud at idle that it needs to be turned off in order to communicate your order at a drive-thru. A car that shakes, rattles, rolls, and is seemingly always on the brink of setting up a sit down with your maker. Why, why, why? Because we are all psychos.
Sitting in my roommates new Dodge Dart, I admire the shiny, supple new interior with a fantastic infotainment system. I adore the car's fantastic gas mileage and spritely acceleration. But I wouldn't ever for a second dream of driving such a mundane contraption. Sitting at idle, the Dart barely makes a chatter. It's as if you're piloting the newest Android or iOS device. There's no showmanship, no "HEY YOU, I'M A FOUR WHEELED MOVIN' MACHINE, LET'S DO THE DAMN THING". A great little car, the Dart, without question, but you know it just won't do for people with our affliction.
My 2000 Jeep Cherokee Sport, as it sits on 31" Cooper Mud Terrains and a mild 3" lift, could not seem further from the Dart I mentioned above. It's louder than hell (courtesy of Flowmaster and some other shade tree mechanic engineering), the electric locks/windows work half of the time, and on windy days it seems as if I'm being tossed about the highway like a cornhole bag at a college tailgate. Conservatively, it gets about 13 MPG and legs its way up to 60 in about as long as it would take me to memorize the dictionary. Also, I go to school in South Georgia and haven't had A/C in 5 years. Yes I keep spare shirts in the back during the summer.
But you know what? I love it. We all love our obnoxious and seriously unreasonable daily drivers. One turn of the key and I am instantly rewarded with that glorious inline-6 growl from the turn down exhaust right before the rear axle. It lets me know that, hey, I'm driving a MACHINE. The squeaks and rattles, the hum of the mud tires, and the raspy, yet throaty exhaust all deliver such a visceral experience that is not matched by today's econoboxes and most cars for that matter. These quirks are something that I feel is being lost in the vehicles of this day and age. A product of people simply wanting to get from A to B rather than enjoying the route along the way, if you will.
Do I some times lust after people cruising along in their new Benz in their climate controlled, butt massaging, supple German cow leather interiors? Absolutely. But I immediately fail to remember how uncomfortable I am when I push the GO pedal to the mat, kick the transmission down, and hear that trusty ol' I6 sing to the heavens like a scorned Coyote. Even many performance cars of today sound like souped up Dysons when the throttle is depressed.
My point is this: Yes, the vehicles we drive may be astonishingly impractical and often times dangerous, but why else would we be enthusiasts? We live for the thrill, the smiles, and the occasional "Hey watch this" (*peels out of McDonalds*) moments. Just being concerned about getting from A to B can lead to a banal existence, and our vehicles are just another way to liven up the day. As far as I'm concerned, if you don't look back at your car as you're walking away, you're simply driving the wrong one.
And some NOIIISEEE. The funky noises coming off the throttle is due to carb cleaning the heck out of the throttle body.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 03:00 |
Sorry for the long first post, here's the Jeep!
(couldn't get the image to attach to the original post, if someone could help me out, that'd be greeaatttt)
![]() 11/22/2013 at 03:05 |
welcome to the funny farm .
![]() 11/22/2013 at 03:06 |
Thanks. Been lingering for quite a while, figured I'd give the posting thing a whirl.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 03:07 |
I've got a thing for these....
![]() 11/22/2013 at 03:26 |
" if you don't look back at your car as you're walking away, you're simply driving the wrong one." Amen brother.
Makes me miss '92 Cherokee … nice Jeep sir.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 03:29 |
Words to live by at least in my little world, and thanks! Hard to forget a good XJ.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 03:38 |
I totally get you. Nice XJ.
I'm in my 11th year of owning my TJ, and I still get a buzz doing something as banal as going to pick up some takeaway. There's something so delicious about the impracticality.
I did have a DD for about 3 years, but that was due to the fact that I was driving up to 6 hours a day, and I noticed my appreciation for a noisy tent on wheels was diminishing. Nowadays, I only drive it to the office (and park it next to 6 figure vehicles). No one's looking at the Porsches...
Welcome to Oppo, come for the cars, stay for the weird.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 03:47 |
Thanks for the welcome, everybody. Nice TJ! Always love a Jeep with a battle scar here and there.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 04:07 |
I agree. Mine is on the other end of the spectrum, but many same features.
I drive a Locost (Lotus 7) that I call the Seven GTR. It has a Miata engine accented by a super 16G turbo that some poor Evo 8 doesn't need anymore. It has a 14" (roughly) 2.5" downpipe/dump pipe that exits right behind the front left wheel, and it leaves this amazing sound no matter what it does. While I have to be frugal on the pedal due to ECU/injector issues (305cc only gets you so far), but when it's in full song, it makes your head vibrate, while still not being totally deafening. When starting and idling, you can hear the turbo whistling. Downshifting is my favorite thing to do, just because of all the burbles and cracks, accented by the hiss of the BOV (thank you, Nissan... some SR20DET is missing it's intercooler and BOV).
I watched some guys in a Mustang almost drive into the concrete divider while taking pictures... and somehow haven't been pulled over yet since getting plates on it.
I drive it to work every day and everywhere else that doesn't require moving the family, and as long as it's not raining or snowing (if I can help it), but when it does... think Ayrton Senna, 1993, Donington Park. That's what it looks and feels like in the wet. Between praying to the car gods that nothing shorts out from the lack of a hood and waterproofing, and trying to keep my face from breaking from the huge shit-eating grin beneath the helmet (when I'm that lucky to have it), I don't know which takes front row, but when I get out of the car after the ride, the left third of me is completely soaked to the skin. The rest is damp, but I'm as happy as it gets. It has this primeval attitude in the wet that feels like trying to harness a dragon... it'll go as long as you have the reins, but if you let go, it's more than happy to kill you.
At the drive thrus, I always have to turn the key off, because the side exhaust points directly at the speaker. When I pull up, sometimes they don't see me, as my butt is physically 5" off the ground. I have to give myself an extra half hour wherever I go, because I know I'm going to end up talking to someone, weither it be a cashier at a gas station, to another driver.
Albeit, it does roughly 30mpg, and yet still likes to go sideways.
Meh, it's 4am, and I've lost my train of thought. You get the picture. Out.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 04:39 |
post pics someday!
![]() 11/22/2013 at 04:55 |
I have... it's all over here.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 04:59 |
Mine too! And mine has room for only two people and no gear, and is impossible to drive like a responsible adult.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 08:08 |
we've got a snapbacker! everybody run! AHHHHHHH
![]() 11/22/2013 at 09:12 |
Same here
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All well and good if your daily drive is only a few miles a day most days. I drive 35000 miles a year typically at 80 mph and in all kinds of weather (it's -10f) outside). I suspect you would ditch your Cherokee promptly were you required to do that kind of driving on a daily basis.
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Many props for it being your "nice day" DD, and not just a weekend/track toy.
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Its awesome to see more Cherokee guys on here! Up until recently My Lifted Cherokee has been my DD, and all of the things that you wrote rang true. I believe they said in one of the latest roadkill episodes, If you can't strike up a conversation at a gas station about your ride than whats the point, and almost every time I went for gas ( 3 times a week) There was someone with a friendly comment! The way I liked to think about it was, I work 75 hours a week for 3 jobs and drive about 100 miles a day. Those 100 miles was my only chance during the week to do something for myself and relax, and breathe. Driving my Jeep every day was an an adventure and exciting and fun and relaxing and comforting all at the same time. As much as I appreciated it before, Not getting to drive her the past couple of months has made me appreciate it even more.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 09:23 |
Great picture.
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Whassup Nate! Nice to see you still rockin' the Locost!
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I couldn't agree more. I drive a 1991 Mustang LX hatch with a 302. Cammed to hell, this thing shakes at idle like there is no tomorrow. It's also extremely loud thanks too bbk longtubes, x pipes, and a magnaflow exhaust. I get 10mpg 15mpg if I drive like my grandmother. Although I have made it more streetable than before. (Was without front sway bar and my front tires were 3 inches wide) it's still. A beast to drive around.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 09:26 |
I couldn't agree more. I drive a 1991 Mustang LX hatch with a 302. Cammed to hell, this thing shakes at idle like there is no tomorrow. It's also extremely loud thanks too bbk longtubes, x pipes, and a magnaflow exhaust. I get 10mpg 15mpg if I drive like my grandmother. Although I have made it more streetable than before. (Was without front sway bar and my front tires were 3 inches wide) it's still. A beast to drive around.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 09:27 |
I APPROVE, good sir!!
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I APPROVE, good sir!! Here's my poison of choice. She's rusted, loud and rough...just how I like it ;)
![]() 11/22/2013 at 09:29 |
Very well written. Congrats on the FP!
![]() 11/22/2013 at 09:34 |
I wholeheartedly agree! Well, except for the part about wanting to be stuck in some luxury car.
I have a brand new 2013 Tacoma. It starts every time. It runs. Blah blah. It bores the fucking pants off of me. Luckily I have a couple other cars to choose from.
Last friday I drove this:
It's pretty slow, rides on cut springs so every seam in the road shudders through the car like a tin can with a couple pennies in it, the seats are blown and it has no radio. But when I got out of it and into the Tacoma I seriously thought something was broken. It was so blah.
Monday and today I drove this:
It is NOT slow (3.4 5vz-fe swapped), but smokes some and has no radio and obviously no doors. I got to work today with a huge smile on my face because damnit, it was FUN to battle Atlanta traffic in the thing.
So yes, I understand!
![]() 11/22/2013 at 09:35 |
You, sir, are awesome. And I'm Jealous.
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I love everything about this post.
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My MKIII Supra turbo was like this. Son of a bitch was loud, it was old (over 275k miles), it was fast, and it was flashy as hell. Damn thing scared me every single time I drove it (afraid it'd break down as it had many times in the past). I knew exactly how to drive it without it shutting off, and I knew little tricks to get certain things to work. That said I love her and I miss her, and I regret nothing (except those indiglo gauges, but I swapped them out once I stopped being a stupid ricer.)
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and the occasional "Hey watch this" (*peels out of McDonalds*) moments.
" there goes the absolute coolest kid in town" - everybody around you
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I used to have an XJ, it was a freaking cool DD w/ 3" lift, 35's, 8.25 rear, 4.56s and Aussies front and rear. Plenty of power and fairly capable.
Then I started breaking shit and got the go bigger bug.
Then it got 60's, 37's, and a 12" stretch. It was nice for a budget rig, but I quickly got burnt out on the idea of loading up tons of crap and trailering it 4 hours away to spend a weekend every few months playing with it...wish I would have kept it with the factory axles sometimes before I got rid of it.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 09:46 |
I...I had to go hug my car after that.
Amazing writing , sir. And nice jeep!
![]() 11/22/2013 at 09:48 |
To quote Dave Hester "YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP"
My car is also obnoxiously loud, ridiculously stiffly sprung, and so loud at idle, I tried turning another car I was driving on when it was running, because I thought the car had turned off producing that lovely grinding sound.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 09:48 |
I miss my XJ so much :(
Nice Cherokee - I hope it brings you a lot more enjoyment over the years.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 09:50 |
As a 3x Cherokee owner, if you're getting 13 mpg something is wrong. Also, I doubt it was as loud as my cat-only exhaust that I dd'd for over a year. I wouldn't consider an XJ, especially with your mods, at all impractical. :P
![]() 11/22/2013 at 09:51 |
Nice XJ! I can completely understand where you are coming from. My DD is a mazda3, which I enjoy. But nothing compares to my (2nd!) 86 4Runner. It's loud, smokes a bit, and is starting to get the usual cancer on the wheel wells, but dammit, I love the thing. I even somehow convinced my wife to keep it after we had a kid. Probably because she loves driving it too.
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Used to have a his and hers set, XJs are awesome.
I commute a pretty decent distance so we always have at least one decent daily driver but we always keep a good beater around too, need something to help clear the head.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 09:54 |
Yeah, I hear this.
My DD GTO falls more in line with the Supra mentioned below, only problem being that it's actually been reasonably reliable! But loud (straight pipe catback after x-pipe, Z1 star specs constantly for nearly 3 years - 2nd set though, and nearly as loud as mud tires), and definitely obnoxious since I never leave traction control switched on...
Useable back seat and cargo capacity, but near impossible to get into/out of back seat for an adult, and during the mild winter where I live, it never gets out of warmup cycle on my commute, so 12-14 mpg is pretty typical though road trips will net 25+...
And regularly think through selling for a pickup truck which would be more practical for getting bikes to the track (currently tow with the GTO instead). But the autocrosses, track days, and road trips I've had with the car, not to mention late-night wrenching sessions, make me very emotional about it!
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I don't just look back, I frequently take pictures.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 09:57 |
Word. My DD.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 10:01 |
Nice real Cherokee.
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I've been wanting to pickup an XJ for a bit now. I need something that can tow my 280Z, haul welding equipment, and be cheap to maintain. Also 4WD would be nice to play with.
And my DD Focus is nice, but yeah: Pretty boring.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 10:05 |
We have something in common good sir. Who needs a practical wagon or hatchback when you can have a two door, two seat rough, bumpy and gas-guzzling ride? Oh but get anywhere the go-fast pedal and none of that matters. =D I love Jalop.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 10:05 |
Living. You sir, are doing it right.
Big props.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 10:05 |
Great article, and great writing. As someone who has daily driven a lifted 90 Cherokee, a heavily modded 97 Mustang GT and a 90 F150 on 35's, I can totally relate. You have to make sacrifices, that's for sure, but it's all part of the fun.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 10:07 |
Nice XJ. I had a '98 that I intended to modify, much like you have done, until a rust hole opened up on the rocker. I decided to sell it while I could still get some decent value out of it (it was very clean otherwise). I'll have to pick one up again sometime in the future.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 10:07 |
Completely understand. And most people don't get it... Appreciate this article!
![]() 11/22/2013 at 10:08 |
Outstanding post. I really miss my XJ. We replaced it with a JK U Rubicon, which I'd say is the closest a new car can get to having any sort of character.
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My brother will agree up and down-he commutes in a 4 door Wrangler Rubicon on 37"s.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 10:10 |
Damn - 6 Hours in a TJ is brutal. I owned a 97 4.0 between 2000 and 2005. It's hilariously impractical and yet I find myself browsing craigslist looking to buy another one nearly every day. Loved this post - new cars are just boring.
Also love the XJ - It's on the shortlist along with a 91-96 Toyota Pickup
![]() 11/22/2013 at 10:12 |
33" swampers, straight pipes, 2 doors, lifted, 12 mpg, hard shifting, 4Wheel drivin, hard as hell to get into, manual windows, loud as hell on the highway BEAST!
I'm a family man with 2 kids and a wife, I have NO business owning this but this is my Daily D that I use to commute the highways of Atlanta 100 miles a day. By the time I get home my ears are ringing,I smell like exhaust,oil, and 1980's interior, but god damn I love it and cant take my eyes off my truck.
Every chance I see a reflection of my truck bouncing off a mirrored building i'm like "Daaaaaaaamn siiick!"
![]() 11/22/2013 at 10:15 |
I beg to differ...
My first car was a Bronco, and I loved the rougt and rugged truckiness of it, but I also appreciate some civility in a DD. I can have fun in my Dart and not get sick of commuting in it. I look back at it every time I get out of it.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 10:16 |
Your '00 Cherokee is carbed? That is hardcore.
I feel the same way about my XJ (a '99 Sport) - I don't even drive it every day, but I am totally irrational about that thing. We jokingly refer to it as the "shitbox." No ABS, the climate control is wonky, the driver's door catch strap is snapped, the rear passenger door is basically stuck closed, the headlights are dim as hell, the rear diff clunks, I had to cut a hole in the plastic trim on the inside of the tailgate so I can release the mechanism when it locks itself shut for no apparent reason. It squeaks and rattles and bangs, the exhaust has holes in it. It's painted a stupid color. It smells like wet dog farts inside, and I usually go through a phase about once a month when I just want to sell the thing and be rid of its inconveniences.
But I never do, and probably never will. Why? The damn thing makes me smile every time I get in it. It's like adventure time every time - it opens all the possibilities. It always starts. Always. I can abuse it and all it asks for it more. It's simple - I can work on pretty much all parts of it. It's fast enough to get out of its own way on a highway onramp. It'll happily cruise at 80mph all day on the Interstate, and then plant my ass in the middle of nowhere by four-wheeling in low down some forgotten track in the back of beyond in Utah. It tows my trailer. It hauls rocks. It gets me to the ski hill. It makes me happy.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 10:19 |
I DD my 2002 TJ. It is always fun on windy days with not front sway bar going down the highway.
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For future reference, that is the best time to start modding them! The two best mods I did on my Cherokee were frame stiffeners and 2x6 rocker replacements. No need to ever worry about rocker rust again and excellent armor for offroad.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 10:19 |
Great Post - I understand you perfectly. I think very few people understand why we choose to drive these types of vehicles.
There are very few cars from the last 5 years that I would even own if I had unlimited funds. They are just too common and boring. Maybe the 1 series M?
However, if I didn't live in Chicago I would have a stable of old cars and motorcycles.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 10:22 |
LOL, I'm on the other end of the spectrum....well, the pond at least. Loud, obnoxious, BMW M52 OBD1 swapped Range Rover LWB, 4.5" suspension lift, on 33" Mud Rovers.
Getting shit for gas mileage and stares when your clapped together 4x4 machine growls down the local highway is the best feeling in the world. Especially when it has to rev to 6k to "get down the highway".
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Well, I should clarify, it looked clean, but it had spent 10 years in the rust belt. I didn't have confidence that rust wouldn't start sprouting all over the place. I'd rather start with a cleaner shell.
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I drove my Rover as a Daily Driver for close to 10 years. I get a little wet when it rains. There is zero insulation for sound. It is literally seats and a steering wheel. And I get a smile everyday behind the wheel.
My neighbor drops by with his JK Unlimited and reminds how far an "impractical vehicle" has come in the past 20 years. His is a luxury vehicle in comparison. And i wouldn't trade it for anything. Except for the Nice heater and A/C. That is nice.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 10:29 |
My DD (in fact, my only car these days) is 42 years old, doesn't have AC, doesn't have power steering, and makes me smile like a crazy man every time I turn the key.
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It's on the other end of the height spectrum, but it's equally loud, rattly, odd smelling, and fun >;]
![]() 11/22/2013 at 10:33 |
I'm right there with you.
I drive a [gecko green] Jeep Wrangler 2door soft top with 32" knobby tires from the suburbs of Maryland down I-270/495 to DC daily. Try taking a morning status call in that beast. My colleagues secretly hate me once I un-mute my phone to speak.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 10:33 |
Hey, whatever floats your boat, I have a strange fascination with old jeep wagoneers myself. But after living by a 4 way stop, I can't roll with you on the "loud exhaust is king" nonsense. It's more a desperate cry for attention then anything else.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 10:33 |
Hey, whatever floats your boat, I have a strange fascination with old jeep wagoneers myself. But after living by a 4 way stop, I can't roll with you on the "loud exhaust is king" nonsense. It's more a desperate cry for attention then anything else.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 10:33 |
Hey, whatever floats your boat, I have a strange fascination with old jeep wagoneers myself. But after living by a 4 way stop, I can't roll with you on the "loud exhaust is king" nonsense. It's more a desperate cry for attention then anything else.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 10:33 |
Hey, whatever floats your boat, I have a strange fascination with old jeep wagoneers myself. But after living by a 4 way stop, I can't roll with you on the "loud exhaust is king" nonsense. It's more a desperate cry for attention then anything else.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 10:34 |
I agree completely! That is why I drive a hot-rod 1985 Alfa Romeo GTV6 and a modified 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee. But then, nobody has EVER accused me of being 'normal'!
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My DD is also loud, obnoxious (in an understated classy British way) and impractical and I salute you. May we all forever tolerate the rattles, rumbles, wind noises and hideous mpg.
Also, this article kinda makes me with I'd gone for the XJ instead of my lovely Rover, but don't let it hear, something else might break off!
![]() 11/22/2013 at 10:39 |
LOUD AS FUCK ... only a 4 speed.. runs rich as Dubai .... not very powerful .. stock open diff .. AND I LOVE IT ! even took my car Rally Racing and won the modified rear wheel drive class with a lowered stock 280z ohhh did I mention LOUD AS FUCK !
![]() 11/22/2013 at 10:39 |
LOUD AS FUCK ... only a 4 speed.. runs rich as Dubai .... not very powerful .. stock open diff .. AND I LOVE IT ! even took my car Rally Racing and won the modified rear wheel drive class with a lowered stock 280z ohhh did I mention LOUD AS FUCK !
![]() 11/22/2013 at 10:40 |
Not lifted but definitely loud, my XJ (aka the Thunderwagon) says hello:
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My Mom would always ask me why I looked back at my car when I'd walk in from work.
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I doubt it. I drive at least 80 miles a day just to commute and I also have an XJ that is obnoxious and loud.
Though, mine has working AC.
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Yes, but is it OK to own this sort of thing at the ripe old age of 43?
I have roughly the equivalent in terms of a bucket of bolts...flowmaster and all.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 10:55 |
That's quite a lot of words to say "it's a Jeep thing, you wouldn't understand!"
Just kidding. Really nice ride you have there. Well-written post, too.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 10:57 |
my DD is a 1982 jeep cj7 . its loud do to the good old straight 6 with some upgrades .it obnoxious do to 33in tires, terrorist hunting permit on the front and ARB differential
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my DD is a 1982 jeep cj7 . its loud do to the good old straight 6 with some upgrades .it obnoxious do to 33in tires, terrorist hunting permit on the front and ARB differential
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Amen. Great post! Keep it up.
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amen, was my DD for 5 years
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I drive an old 64 chevy pickup, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm in the same boat with no AC, but when I open the vents with all the windows as long as I am moving it's great. I love my truck. It's the model I was always looking for. There is no way I could replace it. Sure I got to adjust the points from time to time. And that 230 straight six is not a big fan of high speeds. But even in it's rough shape the best thing that happens is people in new rides pull up next to mine even while moving down the road and tell me "Hey nice truck!". There area million + 1 cookie cutter cars out there. The best thing is finding one this is an extension of you.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 11:02 |
I love my old Trooper. One of the guys in my car recently said, "I don't know if my door is shut properly." I replied, "Trust me, in this beast, falling out is the least of your concerns at highway speed."
I love my battered tank of a car that sucks fuel like it's crack and farts the occasional cloud of sickly gray smoke. I love the rattle. I love that I have to keep a toolbag in my car and a big wad of duct tape. It chews through a quart of oil every thousand miles (typical for the model) and I couldn't be happier.
Every dent is a battle scar. Every strange noise a roar of its existence.
This was the first year it passed emissions the first time without me digging under the hood to figure out why it didn't. It ranks up there with the first time my son said "daddy".
I was that proud.
I could afford a new car, but why? Safety? Fuel efficiency? BAH! What are those things compared to true love?
![]() 11/22/2013 at 11:05 |
While I don't have a lifted jeep my DD (92' E34 BMW 535 with a 5 speed) is also obnoxious, loud (thanks to the exhaust and TMS/conforti chip)and with a teeth rattling stiff suspension (Bilstein setup) mostly uncomfortable on anything but freshly paved roads. But it all comes together when you throw it into the twisties of some backroad and execute a perfect heel toe shift. Suddenly that harsh ride stiffness from the suspension does what it's supposed to in a corner and keeps you planted and more importantly grinning. By the way I'm guilty of always turning around and staring at my car in the parking lot, that line you mentioned is so true.
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I feel sort of like it completely depends on your daily commute. I drive ~ 10 miles a day ROUND trip so I could drive a fucking V12 and gas wouldnt kill me. That being said I couldnt drive something with no doors as I only drive freeway. Seems just about anything can work for someone if they want it to badly enough! Thats what makes us enthusiasts
![]() 11/22/2013 at 11:07 |
I cannot agree more. I had a Opel Combo, VW Caddy TDI, Crappy Nissan Latio....I have nothing to fancy coming from a country where a 1.6L sedan buys you a M3 in the states. but heck i love my current ride the Suzuki Grand Vitara. Nothing too vulgar(yet) some rims, lift kits and a snorkel. It rattles, it squeaks, there is a knocking sound when i turn my steering to the left but heck if it still moves it stays that way. Its a pity its got only 3 years left to drive. Slow as hell but hey who needs fast to enjoy a ride.
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Glad to see that it runs in jeep blood! I looked back everytime at my 98' TJ and now I still look back everytime at my 05' LJ! Although The 05' has a hard top, A/C and even a 6sp with cruise control. I sometimes miss the feeling of driving the 98', Mainly because of the Magnaflow and dynomax exhaust, but I'll never forget all the noises it made!
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I used to park my crusty '62 VW panel bus between a top of the line Range Rover Sport and an Aston Martin.
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Nice wheels sir.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 11:09 |
And this is the ride that i miss the most...still gives me tingle when i see one on the road. So much memories...
![]() 11/22/2013 at 11:13 |
To each their own. My Z31 heavily impractical. When I tore down the top end and rebuilt it, I threw 90% of the extras off the engine. Cruise control, AC, charcoal can, PCV (just little vents now), both idle controls (custom intake manifold with set screw on throttle body), all vacuum hoses except brake booster, fuel temp sensor, cylinder head temp sensor, EGR system, rear wiper, and plumbing to the heater core all gone. So what I have is no heat, intermittent wipers that don't work, T-tops that leak, no cruise or AC, some idling quirks til it warms up and a few more things. Mostly it works fine. But it also has some epic cams, headers and a full 3" back mandrel exhaust with high flow cat and a short ram intake and a couple other things. It wasn't exactly quiet with the stock setup, but now its ear-shattering sometimes. The neighbors have threatened to slash my tires because its so loud. However, all said and done, its a 2600lb RWD 5-spd with 203hp at the wheels and completely legal where I am. I wouldn't trade it for anything even if I only get to drive it on clear warm days.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 11:14 |
My Mom has her old 94 XJ Country 4D with the 5 speed that I can basically have for free. It's sitting undriven but It's rad.
I love that car but it needs some mechanical work and the thing had a family of mice living in it - mice shit everywhere. I'm busy so I just don't have the time to go and get it and clean that fucker out but I want to.
Seriously debating hiring a detailer to remove the biohazard and moss growing on it and turn it into a camping rig/tow my motorcycle to track days with it.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 11:18 |
I DD this for a year. Right on
![]() 11/22/2013 at 11:18 |
I'm with you 110%. I'd rather drive my lifted, loud, rattlebox Cherokee every day than something that blends in to the day to day mush of borrrrring. It's loud, brash, attracts a ton of attention, and gives a certain satisfaction that at any moment I can pull a lever and transform into a crazy off-road maniac machine.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 11:18 |
I respectfully request more pics of you car, sir. It looks awesome.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 11:25 |
I applaud your sense and devotion to your DD. I, like many who have commented here, share your sentiments. I to drive a rather impractical, noisy, head turning daily driver.
My chariot of choice however is a 2003 Ford Excursion, 6.0 with an aftermarket intake, turbo, and exhaust. It is riding on 35's with a 6" lift.
The new turbo, flowing through the increased sized exhaust gives my rig a distinct jet engine sound to it! Needless to say, I love my truck.
There is just something about having a truck that can go just about anywhere, do just about anything, and pull just about anything, all while getting 13+ mpgs, and carrying the whole family, the dog and our gear in comfort.
Here are a few photos of my big old beast.
If interested, I may be able to upload video with audio of the truck running and sounding like a jet getting ready for takeoff.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 11:28 |
Very nice, I have a soft spot for an old Datsun, and yours looks great!
![]() 11/22/2013 at 11:28 |
I really dig those not-so-Grand Wagoneers. Must be the Family Truckster headlights.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 11:28 |
had one just like that. I bought it out of a junkyard for $500 with a running 401 V8. It only had 78000 miles. I tuned up the 401 and promptly sold it for $900. I then bought a 360 and rebuilt it with a nice RV cam and custom exhaust. I stuck some steel wagon wheels on it and 31" tall tires. To extend the range I put a 44 gallon suburban fuel tank in the back. IT was fun.
![]() 11/22/2013 at 11:29 |
Hrmm? Who's this?
![]() 11/22/2013 at 11:30 |
Very nice squareback!!!